10ALaser galvanometer 10A series Laser fiber galvanometer Cost-effective general laser scanning
10ALaser galvanometer 10A series Laser fiber galvanometer Cost-effective general laser scanning
The 10A series 2D scanning galvanometer is a high-end 10mm spot galvanometer with first-class marking speed, excellent linearity and ultra-low temperature drift in the industry. It is mainly aimed at industries with strict requirements on marking speed, linearity and accuracy, such as flying marking, ultraviolet, and green light.
Clear aperture: 200mm
Scanning angle: +0.35rad
Nonlinearity: <0.5mrad
Tracking time: 0.15ms
Small step response time: 0.3ms
Repeat accuracy (RMS): <2urad
Gain drift: <50ppm/K
Zero drift: <30urad/K
8-hour temperature drift (after 30 minutes of preheating): <0.1mrad
Marking speed: <2.5m/s
Positioning speed: <15m/s
Power supply: ±15V/5A
Input signal protocol: XY2-100
Lens reflection wavelength: 355nm/532nm/1064nm/10600nm
Working temperature: 25±10 (℃)
Dimensions length, width and height (mm): 114x96x94
Weight: 1820(g)
Product advantages
High cost performance
In addition to the extremely competitive price, it inherits most of the excellent performance of Zhibo Technology's high-end galvanometer family, subverting the traditional concept that cheap products are not good.
High speed
The laser marking speed is fast and can meet most general marking needs.
High linearity
The linearity is good. Through simple pincushion distortion correction and magnification correction, most application needs can be met.
Low temperature drift
Zero point temperature drift, gain temperature drift and long-term temperature drift are very low and will not occur in general marking and welding.
High stability
Our company has a complete product quality control system. Our products have been tested by the market, the quality is consistent, and we have a good reputation in the laser industry.